Stand on Brand™ Trademark Packages
$350 filing fee, which includes 1 trademark and 1 USPTO classification.
Comprehensive Trademark search, which includes a Federal, State, Common law, social media, and domain name search
Opinion letter drafted by a trademark attorney analyzing the results of the Comprehensive Trademark search.
30-minute phone convo discussing results and USPTO application
Preparation and filing of USPTO application
Monitoring filing process
9-18 months
Quarterly status updates
Responding to non-substantive office actions; (2d Refusals not included)
Mailing trademark certificate and Stand on Brand gift box
$350 filing fee, which includes 1 trademark and 1 USPTO classification.
Comprehensive Trademark search, which includes a Federal, State, Common law, social media, and domain name search
Opinion letter drafted by a trademark attorney analyzing the results of the Comprehensive Trademark search.
30-minute phone convo discussing results and USPTO application
Preparation and filing of USPTO application
Monitoring filing process
9-18 months
Quarterly status updates
Responding to non-substantive office actions; (2d Refusals not included)
Mailing trademark certificate and Stand on Brand gift box
Cease and desist template
NDA template
1-year trademark watch service
$350 filing fee, which includes 1 trademark and 1 USPTO classification.
Comprehensive Trademark search, which includes a Federal, State, Common law, social media, and domain name search
Opinion letter drafted by a trademark attorney analyzing the results of the Comprehensive Trademark search.
30-minute phone convo discussing results and USPTO application
Preparation and filing of USPTO application
Monitoring filing process
9-18 months
Quarterly status updates
Responding to non-substantive office actions; (2d Refusals not included)
Mailing trademark certificate and Stand on Brand gift box
Cease and desist template
6-month trademark watch service